Monday, October 26, 2009

It’s Report Card Time!

Today you may log onto Skyward and check your child’s grade card. Copies of the grade card will not be sent home.  You will need to log onto Skyward to check your child’s grade card.  If you do not know your log-ins you can call the Vermillion office at 722-0266 to get it.  I don’t have access to that information. Tomorrow I will award prizes to everyone who has had their grade card checked.  I will log onto Skyward to check this.   A packet will go home tonight with some of the assessments as well as detailed directions how to check your child’s grade card.  Let me know if you are having trouble!! 

P.S. Don’t forget our pick-up day for cookie dough is today.  You can pick it up from 3-8 p.m. in the wrestling room at Maize Middle (45th & Maize)

Have a great Monday!!

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