Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Centers

This week our centers were tricky.  Candy Cane counting has patterns on candy canes that we had to fill in. This was tricky as some of the patterns were counting by 1’s from a random number and some were counting by 2’s, 5’s or 10’s.  We also did gingerbread problem solving. We rolled dice and had to write addition or subtraction sentences depending upon what the sign dice showed. We also working on ABC order some more. This continues to be tricky for some of us especially when we have more than one word that begins with a letter. We also graphed candy canes by color and then had to add them up.  We had fun Christmas tree cards and used them to make number sentences.   Our listening center this week was There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell. After we listened to the story we had to sequence it.  Whew. It was a busy week at centers! Reindeer 002 Reindeer 003Reindeer 004 

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Reindeer Day!

Today we spent the day learning facts about Reindeer. We read a book and did several small books ourselves. We were surprised by all that we learned. We also made antlers to wear and got reindeer food to leave out. It was a busy day!! Reindeer 008

Reindeer 009Reindeer 007

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gingerbread Men

This week has all been about The Gingerbread Man. We have read so many great versions of this book this week.  Some of our favorites were The Gingerbread Baby and the follow up Gingerbread Friends both by Jan Brett.  At centers we worked on making complete sentences with punctuation. We all logged onto Jan Brett’s site and built gingerbread houses on the computer.  One of the trickiest center this week was sorting words into nouns, adjectives, and verbs.  Other centers had us sort words into word families, adding two numbers, writing addition sentences in fact families and adding using a number line.  We had a lot of fun.  For seat work this week one of the hardest jobs was sequencing the pictures of The Gingerbread man and then writing a version to match.   We have been busy!! 

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We were very busy this week. We finished learning about Native Americans and then began to learn about the Pilgrims, Thanksgiving and Turkeys. It has been a very busy week!  At centers we worked with ordering numbers, fact families, measuring in inches, writing complete sentences, and deciding between telling and asking sentences. Thanksgiving 002 Thanksgiving 003Thanksgiving 005 Thanksgiving 006 Thanksgiving 007 We also “planted” corn with a fish in a dirt cup just like the Native Americans taught the Pilgrims.   Of course when we were done we got to eat it! YUM!

Thanksgiving 001

We also made Pilgrim boys and girls. Thanksgiving 008 Then we made a turkey with our hand for a Thanksgiving decoration to keep.  It has been a very busy week! Good thing we have a couple of days off!  Have a great Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving 010

Thanksgiving 011

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Native Americans

This week we have been busy learning all about Native Americans.   Our centers this week work focus on:  subtraction facts, Unscrambling mixed up sentence then adding punctuation and capital letters, cluster l blends, ABC order, & Counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.Indians 001Indians 002Indians 003

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Halloween Pictures Part 2

Thanks to Kailtyn’s mom we have more pictures!! Thanks so much for sharing!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins


We learned about pumpkins this week. Centers included a weighing center, making addition sentences with our fun big dice, a pumpkin subtraction sentence, and a telling time center.  My camera did something funny so the pictures are funny! Sorry!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Red Ribbon Week

At the end or red ribbon week we tied red ribbons onto the playground fence to show we are proud to be drug free!

Red Ribbon 001

 Red Ribbon 002 Red Ribbon 003

Monday the 26th is "Hats off to a healthy body" Students may wear their favorite hats!
Wednesday the 28th is "Sock it to drugs" Students may wear crazy socks.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Harriet’s Halloween Candy

Today we read Harriet’s Halloween Candy by Nancy Carlson.  It is about a story about a girl that goes trick-or-treating and learns to share her treats. Harriet gets a lot of candy and she spends a lot time sorting it.  Her mom ask her to share some with her brother and doesn’t want to.  She tries to eat all the candy but ends up with a tummy ache. She then learns how important it is to share.  In our room we then got a bag of candy and spent a lot of time sorting it into attributes.  Ask us to show you and we will share a piece with you.  Halloween Party 001 Halloween Party 002Halloween Party 003

Halloween Party

We had a lot of fun at our Halloween party!  Thanks to all the parents who helped out with it. 

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nocturnal Animals

We finished our nocturnal animals unit today.  We spent the last week learning about all the different nocturnal animals. We read many books but our favorite was Stellaluna by Janell Cannon.  We also wrote what we have learned about bats.  Check out our writing in the hall when you stop by.  class 09 004

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Spider Presentation

We were lucky enough to have a presentation about spiders.  Levi is studying to be an entomologist and knows a lot about spiders. He taught us a few things and even showed us some live spiders.  The jumping spider was our favorite!  Thank you to Levi and his sister Chantel for teaching us about spiders.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Week

This week we have a variety of Halloween activities. We read a few stories that focus on sequencing. One was I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly.  This then led us to read several spin off such as:  I Know an Old Lady who Swallowed a Bat by Lucille Colandro and There Was an Old Monster by Rebecca, Adriana & Ed Emberly.  The kids loved these. We also read and sequenced Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman.  At centers this week we worked more on ordering numbers.  First the kids did each color of candy corn then the kids had to do all the candy corn.  This center was very challenging.  We also made our own monsters and named them.  The kids did a great job with this.  We also worked on ABC ordering, sound spelling, and our addition.  The kids did a great job.  CIMG2550 CIMG2544


class 09

Monday, October 26, 2009

It’s Report Card Time!

Today you may log onto Skyward and check your child’s grade card. Copies of the grade card will not be sent home.  You will need to log onto Skyward to check your child’s grade card.  If you do not know your log-ins you can call the Vermillion office at 722-0266 to get it.  I don’t have access to that information. Tomorrow I will award prizes to everyone who has had their grade card checked.  I will log onto Skyward to check this.   A packet will go home tonight with some of the assessments as well as detailed directions how to check your child’s grade card.  Let me know if you are having trouble!! 

P.S. Don’t forget our pick-up day for cookie dough is today.  You can pick it up from 3-8 p.m. in the wrestling room at Maize Middle (45th & Maize)

Have a great Monday!!

Friday, October 16, 2009


I am so excited to be starting a classroom blog. This is a new adventure for me. My goal is to share many of the things that we do here in the classroom.  I also hope to that this will help keep you up to date on what’s going on.   I have links available to many of the websites that we use here at school as well as parent resources. Please post your comments and feel free to share this with other family members.