Friday, March 12, 2010

Our Lucky Day!

Since we won’t be at school on St. Patrick’s Day today was “Our Lucky Day”.  Our first surprise was that we only had to write the words on our spelling test.  What a treat that was.  Then we had an animal assembly.  Tanganyika came out and brought some of their animals.  The kids had a lot of fun. We saw snakes, ferrets, an armadillo, a lizard, a gecko, and a hedgehog. 

When we got back to the room we make our lucky headbands.  By then it was lunch time!! What a fast morning!

After lunch we did our Lucky math. We joined an online program to answer the questions, “Are there more leaf clovers than any other marshmallow type in a box of Lucky Charms.?” We each got a scoop of Lucky Charms and started sorting. When we were done we graphed our results and then did tally marks to show how many each kid had.  We then combine each students’ results into a class record.

Our class had 608 marshmallows. We had 78 rainbows, 47 pink hearts, 70 shooting stars, 38 red balloons, 75 purple horseshoes, 107 four-leaf clovers, 135 pots of gold and 58 blue moons.  Sadly we had more pots of gold than four- leaf clovers.  Once we were done we then listed our tally marks on a chart for our entire hall (5 classes). 

Our hall had 2,605 marshmallows.  We had 410 rainbows, 205 pink hearts, 290 shooting stars, 217 red balloons, 271 purple horseshoes, 485 four-leaf clovers, 483 pots of gold, and 245 blue balloons.  The four-leaf clovers won!! Whew! We added our results to this site with 500 other classrooms.   The results will soon be in until next week so we will have to check back after spring break to see if four-leaf clover is the most for all the classes in the country!! I can’t wait.  Here is the site for you to look at it.

Surprisingly our fun day was still not over!! We then had one more surprise: ice cream bars. After our snack we had recess then P.E.  Boy was it a fun day and lucky day!

  Our Lucky Day 033 Our Lucky Day 032

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