Friday, March 12, 2010

Our Lucky Day!

Since we won’t be at school on St. Patrick’s Day today was “Our Lucky Day”.  Our first surprise was that we only had to write the words on our spelling test.  What a treat that was.  Then we had an animal assembly.  Tanganyika came out and brought some of their animals.  The kids had a lot of fun. We saw snakes, ferrets, an armadillo, a lizard, a gecko, and a hedgehog. 

When we got back to the room we make our lucky headbands.  By then it was lunch time!! What a fast morning!

After lunch we did our Lucky math. We joined an online program to answer the questions, “Are there more leaf clovers than any other marshmallow type in a box of Lucky Charms.?” We each got a scoop of Lucky Charms and started sorting. When we were done we graphed our results and then did tally marks to show how many each kid had.  We then combine each students’ results into a class record.

Our class had 608 marshmallows. We had 78 rainbows, 47 pink hearts, 70 shooting stars, 38 red balloons, 75 purple horseshoes, 107 four-leaf clovers, 135 pots of gold and 58 blue moons.  Sadly we had more pots of gold than four- leaf clovers.  Once we were done we then listed our tally marks on a chart for our entire hall (5 classes). 

Our hall had 2,605 marshmallows.  We had 410 rainbows, 205 pink hearts, 290 shooting stars, 217 red balloons, 271 purple horseshoes, 485 four-leaf clovers, 483 pots of gold, and 245 blue balloons.  The four-leaf clovers won!! Whew! We added our results to this site with 500 other classrooms.   The results will soon be in until next week so we will have to check back after spring break to see if four-leaf clover is the most for all the classes in the country!! I can’t wait.  Here is the site for you to look at it.

Surprisingly our fun day was still not over!! We then had one more surprise: ice cream bars. After our snack we had recess then P.E.  Boy was it a fun day and lucky day!

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St. Pat’s Day

Our centers last week were race to the pot of gold- using a number line to add, contraction match, short and long vowels, sorting and graphing shamrocks by color, long vowel sort, time to the hour and half hour and stamping money. We learned a lot and had fun too!

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St. Patrick’s Day

This week we did St. Patrick’s Day centers. Our centers worked on place value, adding coins, compound words, addition and subtraction, and ABC order.  We had a lot of fun!

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Music Program

After all the weeks of practice we finally had our music program. Everyone sang their hearts out and it was a wonderful show. Our class were popcorn and cotton candy vendors.  I have a ton of pictures to share and I was right down up front in the action.  Some of the pictures are a little out of focus or dark. It was hard to get my camera to focus with so much activity and lights.  Maybe some of you photo wizards will be able to fix some of them.  I hope you enjoy!

Wild West Reading Day

To help prepare for the Wild West Reading Fest at night, we wore our cowboy and cowgirl gear to school today. There were some very good costumes.  Presidents 008 Presidents 007

President’s Day

Centers this week had us find money in sand, write former presidents in ABC order, cover Abe’s log cabin with pattern blocks, stamping coins in patterns and then figuring out the value of each row, counting dollar bill amounts, and unscrambling cards to make complete sentences. We also learned about George Washington and Abe Lincoln this week. 

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100th Day

For the 100th day of school we did so many fun activities. We made glasses with 100 dots on them, ordered numbers to 100, counted 100 fruit loops and made into a necklace, flipped a coin 100 times, rolled a dice 100 times, and followed the clues to make a mystery picture.  It was so much fun! Then we enjoyed making our own “Wolfs Chicken Stew”  and eating it. Thanks to all who sent treats for us to share to make our “stew”.100th day 003 100th day 001 100th day 002

Valentine Party

The kids had so much fun!! They loved passing out their valentines and looking at the treasures we got.  It was fun to also see all the boxes the kids made. So many of them were creative.  To start off the party we did a cute are project.  Then we played a lot of fun games.  Then we enjoyed our snacks while digging into our treats in our boxes. Thanks to all the parents who helped us!

Valentine’s Day

Centers this week kept us very busy. Centers this week had us work on our addition, contractions, compound words, ordering numbers, place value, and ABC order with our first names. In addition we also sorted boxes of sweetheart candy by color and then making addition problems.  We had so much fun! Valentine 001Valentine 002Valentine 003Valentine 004Valentine 005Valentine 006Valentine 007Valentine 008Valentine 009

Surprise Birthday

Thanks to Jessica for bring in treats for me and the kids to help celebrate my birthday. The kids and I loved the donuts and juice.   The balloon and flowers were a big surprise too!  It was a lot of fun! I am a very lucky teacher! Thanks so much! My birthday