Friday, April 9, 2010

Space Friday

This afternoon we learned about Earth’s Moon.
We learned about the phases of the Moon. We even made a flipbook to illustrate the changes the Moon has during it’s cycle.  We loved using a white crayon to write on black paper! It was a busy day learning about the Moon and the Earth!

Space Friday 005 Space Friday 002

   Space Friday 003

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gumball Math

Next week we will begin GUMBALL MATH!   It is a series of timed math tests that will help your child learn their addition and subtraction facts.  When they pass a test they will earn a gumball. 

gumball machineHere are some fun sites to practice on. Have fun!

Space Week 1

Centers this week seemed pretty easy for most of us. We practiced adding and subtracting using a number line by playing Race to the Moon and Back.Space Week 1 010

We also worked on ten more, ten less, one more, and one less using a hundred chart as needed.Space Week 1 001We played Sound it Out Mission. We read cards and if we read the card correctly we flipped a coin to move on the game board. We then had to write the word down under short vowel or long vowel words. Space Week 1 002This week we worked more with putting sentences in order. We will continue to do this so we are used to sentence structure as well as remembering capital letters and punctuation marks.

 Space Week 1 003 Space Week 1 004

We also played Planet Vowel Race where we rolled a die and used a chart to decide which vowel we could use. We had to spell out the names of the planets correctly.  Space Week 1 007We also sorted addition problems according to the sum. Space Week 1 008

Friday, April 2, 2010

Bunny Day!

What a fun and busy day we had today. We loved having our bunnies near us. They helped us take our spelling and math test. Bunny Day 001Bunny Day 002

We also made cute bunny headbands to wear.  Bunny Day 003Bunny Day 004We also compared different bunnies using a Venn Diagram. This made us think hard about similarities and differences.Bunny Day 006   Bunny Day 008The most fun of the day though had to be our jumping contest. We all jumped as far as we could. We measured the length and recorded!  Walter and Colton were the top jumpers!! Congratulations!


Length of First Jump

Length of Second Jump
Caden 34 47
Shivani 49 52
Colin S. 47 53
Abby 35 45
Walter 58 57
Amber 42 52
Colton 50 59
Makendra 44 46
Carter 41 44
Lucas 26 37
Hallie 44 52
Jonathan 43 45
Matthew 26 31
Rhys 34 42
Colin P. 48 55
Landen 42 42
Lauryn 49 47
Isaac 49 44
Angeal 39 46
Olivia 45 52
Kaitlyn 43 39
Alivia 37 37

We jumped SO far!  Bunny day was so much fun!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Centers this week were a lot of fun because we used a lot of fun eggs. At one center we had letters scrambled up in an egg and we had to figure out what the word was. At another center we had pictures hidden in eggs and we had to sort the word by the vowel sound and sound spell it out.  Another center has us coin the coins in eggs.   We also worked on place value, comparing numbers using more than and less than symbols, types of words (nouns, verbs, and adjectives), and unscrambling sentences.  At listening center we listened to There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick by Lucille Colandro.  This is yet another version of the classic tale. After listening to it we sequenced the story and wrote the ending to it. Easter Centers 005Easter Centers 007Easter Centers 003 Easter Centers 006

Rabbits and Circular Stories

This week was a review week for reading.  We read more of our circular stories and even looked at some illustrated ones online. We loved reading the stories online.  Click on the link to read them at home.

After we looked at these we started writing our own stories. To help us out we used a graphic organizer to figure out how our story would start and end up in the same place. Then we did a rough draft. Together with Miss Voge, we edited the stories then wrote a final copy. We are so very proud of our stories and we can’t wait to share them!

This week we also learned about rabbits. There is so much to learn.  Our centers this week had a rabbit theme. We worked on our addition facts, missing addends, even and odd numbers, unscrambling real sentences about rabbits, we even listened to some of our favorite circular stories. Rabbit Centers 001Rabbit Centers 005Rabbit Centers 006Rabbit Centers 008

Rabbit Centers 009Rabbit Centers 013

Rabbit Centers 014

On Friday we got to do Long Vowel centers. We worked in small groups and practiced our skills. These centers were very challenging and it was fun to work in different groups. it made the day go so fast! What a busy week it was! Rabbit Centers 016Rabbit Centers 020Easter Centers 001Easter Centers 002 Rabbit Centers 015