Thursday, January 28, 2010

Welcome Cayd

We will have another new student. Cayd will be starting school on Monday. We are very excited to meet him and can’t wait!

Kansas Day!

We have been busy this week learning about about Kansas.  We have learned what the state mammal, amphibian, reptile, flower, tree, insect and bird are. We have been making an art job to go with each one.  Some are more elaborate that others.  This is to help us remember what they look like.  We may finish up some of these activities next week.  At centers we unscrambled sentences about Kansas, measured sunflowers, graphed a mystery picture (of a honeybee- our state insect), stamped the symbols, put the symbols in ABC order and wrote a sentence for each. Some of our centers also had us practice sorting short o and long and short u pictures and writing them in groups.  In our free time we have been looking at maps of Kansas and putting puzzles of the USA together. We have been very busy!! Kansas Day 002

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Snow and Mitten Fun!

This week was a busy week. Since last week was so short we had a to play catch-up.  Our theme this week was mittens take from the stories The Mitten and The Hat by Jan Brett. We love these books!  We sequenced the events in them, compared the stories, and used the characters in math problems.  At centers we did Mitten Addition by using our cool double dice and an addition/subtraction dice. We also sorted mittens by attributes (color, shape, size). When we were done we colored a tricky picture by the code. It had us practice our number sense.  We also practiced counting by 10’s and ones to make numbers. This center was harder than I thought it would be. In addition, we worked on compound words, number order, and contractions. We were very busy. On Friday we painted snowmen. The kids has so much fun because the paint was textured with sparkles. It was the highlight of the week!  Here are pictures of the snowmen in the hall.  I hope everyone has a great three day weekend.  It is such a busy month! 

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Thursday, January 7, 2010


Oops. I forgot to publish this before I left for Christmas Break!! The week before Christmas we were busy learning about Christmas traditions around the world. At centers our activities included working more on our math facts, short vowels, and with money.Christmas 005 

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On the Friday before break we had Polar Express day. We dressed in our PJ’s and brought pillows and blankets to get comfortable. We did lots of fun activities with the story. We made our own train, necklaces with bells and sequenced the story. We also got to eat donuts and hot chocolate.  It was a great day!  Christmas 007Christmas 008Christmas 009Christmas 010Sadly, it was Marco’s last day. We will miss him but we hope he has a great time at his new school.