Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Centers

This week our centers were tricky.  Candy Cane counting has patterns on candy canes that we had to fill in. This was tricky as some of the patterns were counting by 1’s from a random number and some were counting by 2’s, 5’s or 10’s.  We also did gingerbread problem solving. We rolled dice and had to write addition or subtraction sentences depending upon what the sign dice showed. We also working on ABC order some more. This continues to be tricky for some of us especially when we have more than one word that begins with a letter. We also graphed candy canes by color and then had to add them up.  We had fun Christmas tree cards and used them to make number sentences.   Our listening center this week was There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell. After we listened to the story we had to sequence it.  Whew. It was a busy week at centers! Reindeer 002 Reindeer 003Reindeer 004 

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Reindeer Day!

Today we spent the day learning facts about Reindeer. We read a book and did several small books ourselves. We were surprised by all that we learned. We also made antlers to wear and got reindeer food to leave out. It was a busy day!! Reindeer 008

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gingerbread Men

This week has all been about The Gingerbread Man. We have read so many great versions of this book this week.  Some of our favorites were The Gingerbread Baby and the follow up Gingerbread Friends both by Jan Brett.  At centers we worked on making complete sentences with punctuation. We all logged onto Jan Brett’s site and built gingerbread houses on the computer.  One of the trickiest center this week was sorting words into nouns, adjectives, and verbs.  Other centers had us sort words into word families, adding two numbers, writing addition sentences in fact families and adding using a number line.  We had a lot of fun.  For seat work this week one of the hardest jobs was sequencing the pictures of The Gingerbread man and then writing a version to match.   We have been busy!!