Friday, September 3, 2010

Favorite Colors

Today we wore our favorite color today and did lots of fun color activities.  We even graphed our favorite color.  Here’s a look at the results. We are learning so much about colors!

Our Favorite Colors

MMM… M & M’s

Today we had a fun day with M & M’s.  First each kid got an individual bag of M & M’s.  We counted how many they had in their bag. Then we sorted them by color. Next we graphed our M & M’s by color.   We then had to add the different colors together.  When we were done we got to eat our M & M’s. What fun we had! After we were done we graphed all of our class’s results to see which M & M we had the least of and the greatest of in the whole class.

M & MGreatest and Least M & M 001  M & M 002 M & M 003 M & M 004 M & M 005

Friday, August 20, 2010

Our First Day of School

Today was such a busy day! We kept very busy all day long. We read lots of fun stories and learned a lot about each other! Read "Don't Spit on Your Shoes" a funny story about Arnie's first day of school. I hope ours isn't so crazy! We also worked on becoming friends. We were so busy that by the end of the day we couldn't wait to get home! Boy were we tired. I can't wait to do it all again tommorow though.

Welcome to First Grade

Welcome to my class. I am so excited for this year! I just know we will have fun! We will start off this week with a ton of fun color activities. Each day we will work hard to get to know each other and our classroom. I can't wait to get to know each of you! Be sure to share this blog info with your family and friends near and far!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Space Friday

This afternoon we learned about Earth’s Moon.
We learned about the phases of the Moon. We even made a flipbook to illustrate the changes the Moon has during it’s cycle.  We loved using a white crayon to write on black paper! It was a busy day learning about the Moon and the Earth!

Space Friday 005 Space Friday 002

   Space Friday 003

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gumball Math

Next week we will begin GUMBALL MATH!   It is a series of timed math tests that will help your child learn their addition and subtraction facts.  When they pass a test they will earn a gumball. 

gumball machineHere are some fun sites to practice on. Have fun!

Space Week 1

Centers this week seemed pretty easy for most of us. We practiced adding and subtracting using a number line by playing Race to the Moon and Back.Space Week 1 010

We also worked on ten more, ten less, one more, and one less using a hundred chart as needed.Space Week 1 001We played Sound it Out Mission. We read cards and if we read the card correctly we flipped a coin to move on the game board. We then had to write the word down under short vowel or long vowel words. Space Week 1 002This week we worked more with putting sentences in order. We will continue to do this so we are used to sentence structure as well as remembering capital letters and punctuation marks.

 Space Week 1 003 Space Week 1 004

We also played Planet Vowel Race where we rolled a die and used a chart to decide which vowel we could use. We had to spell out the names of the planets correctly.  Space Week 1 007We also sorted addition problems according to the sum. Space Week 1 008